Hand poured, chemical-free beeswax, this cylinder stands tall at approximately 3" x 3"
Made with 100% cotton wick, these candles are non-toxic with a sweet, natural honey fragrance.
** Burning instructions: **
1. First Burn
The first time the customer burns a pillar candle they should plan on a burn time of several hours or until the well created by the flame extends to within 1/4" of the sides of the candle. Extinguish the flame and let the wax harden. Burn time will vary. It will depend on the candle diameter. This procedure is necessary so that the well of wax burns uniformly down the center of the candle.
2. Wicks
Keep the wicks trimmed to 1/4". The longer the wick, the higher the flame which will cause the flame to smoke.
Cylinder Pillar-3"
Beeswax is a superior choice for candles because of its 100% natural composition. It is non toxic, hypo-allergenic and virtually smokeless.
Beeswax candles are also known to clean the air. They also produce negative ions when burned. These negative ions attach to positive ions (like dust, pollen, mold, odor, toxins)